I created a json with PHP code as shown below
PHP code:
while($row1=$check1->fetch_assoc()) { $empleadresult['empname']=$row['empname']; $empleadresult['empemailid']=$row1['empemailid']; $CheckSql2 = "SELECT * FROM leadservices,services WHERE leadservices.leadslno='$leadsl'"; $check2=$con->query($CheckSql2); while($row2 =$check2->fetch_assoc()) { $output2[] = array("service_id" => $row2['service_id'],"service_name" => $row2['service_name']); } $empleadresult['services']=$output2; $leadarray[] = $empleadresult; $trimmed['LeadDetailsObject'] = str_replace('\r\n','', $eadarray); echo json_encode($trimmed,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
output of above code is
{ "LeadDetailsObject":[ { "empname": "Anuj Sharma", "empemailid": "anuj@toplinebiz.com", "service": [ { "service_id": "6", "service_name": "Landscaping And Gardening" }, { "service_id": "2", "service_name": "Civil Finishing And Tumkey Civil Projects" } ] } ] }
from this output how to remove ssquare brackets inside the json (ie,after service)and display {} in the place of [].
Call str_replace() function on the output of json_encode function.
$square = array("[", "]");
$curly = array("{", "}");
str_replace($square, $curly, json_encode($trimmed,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
Hope this helps.