Basic Administration |
fabricshow | Display information about switches in the fabric. |
switchshow | Display switch and port information. |
switchname [name] | Display or set a switch name. |
uptime | Display how long the switch is running, number of connected users and the system load for the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes. |
date ["new_date_time"] | Display or set date and time (This is Readonly if NTP is enabled). |
tsclockserver NTP_Server_IP_Addr1, [NTP_Server_IP_Addr2..]] | Display or set NTP server addresses. |
sfpshow [[slot/]port] | Display information about the SFP on the specified port or a summary of all SFPs if port is omitted. |
reboot | Cold reboot switch. |
Ports |
portshow [slot/][port_number] | Display general port status and configuration. |
portenable [slot/] port1[-port2] | Enable a port or a range of ports. |
portdisable [slot/] port1[-port2] | Disable a port or a range of ports. |
portcfgshow [slot/]port | Display current configuration of a port. |
portcfgspeed [slot/]port speed | Set the speed on the specified port. |
Zone Alias |
alicreate "alias_name", "member1 [; member2 ...]" | Create a new zone alias with one or more members. Members can be WWN or Domain and port index pair. |
aliAdd "alias_name", "member1 [; member2 ...]" | Add one or members to an existing zone alias. |
aliremove "alias_name", "member1 [; member2 ...]" | Remove one or members from an existing zone alias. |
alidelete "alias_name" | Delete a zone alias. |
alishow [pattern] | Display all zone aliases that match the specified pattern. You can use * to match any string and ? to match a single character. |
Zones |
zoneshow [pattern] | Display zone information. |
zonecreate "zone_name", "member1 [; member2 ...]" | Create a new zone with one or more members. Members can be specified as WWN, Zone alias name, zone alias pattern or domain and port index pair. |
zoneadd "zone_name", "member1 [; member2 ...]" | Add one or more members to an existing zone. |
zonedelete "zone_name" | Delete the specified zone. |
Zone Config |
cfgshow | Display zone configuration. |
cfgcreate "config_name", "zone1[; zone2...]" | Create a new zone configuration. |
cfgadd "config_name", "zone1[; zone2...]" | Add one or more zones to an existing config. |
cfgremove "config_name","zone1[; zone2...] | Remove one or more zones from a config. |
cfgsave | Save the current zone configuration. |
cfgenable "config_name" | Enable a zone configuration. |
cfgdisable | Disable the current zone configuration. |
Error Logging |
errdump | Display error logs. Use the errshow command to display error logs one page at a time. |
portlogshow | Display port log. |
syslogadmin --set -ip ip_address [-secure [-port port_num]] | Forward all error log entries to a remote syslog server. |
syslogadmin --show -ip | Show configured syslog server. |
syslogadmin --remove -ip ip_address | Remove a syslog server. |
License |
licenseshow | Display license keys and associated products. |
licenseadd license_key | Add a license key to the switch. |