Python: Count number of occurrences of a word in a text file

Last updated on 08th February 2023

Here is a Python program to find the number of occurrences of a specified word and the total number of words in a text file.

This program takes a filename as input and opens the file in read mode(default mode) using the with statement. The file is read line by line inside a while loop and each line is split into a list of words using the split() method. The length of the list is added to the total number of words. A for loop iterates through each word of the line and compares it with the search word. If it matches then the search word count variable is incremented.

fname = input("Enter the filename including path: ")
search_word = input("Enter word to search: ")

total_words = 0
search_word_count = 0

with open(fname) as file:
    file_line = file.readline()
    while file_line != '':
        words = file_line.split()
        total_words += len(words)
        for word in words:
            if (word == search_word):
                search_word_count = search_word_count + 1
        file_line = file.readline()

print("There is a total of", total_words, "words in the file.")
print("The word", search_word, "occurs", search_word_count, "times.") 

A sample output from executing the above program is shown below

Enter the filename including path: ./myfile.txt
Enter word to search: blog
There is a total of 27 words in the file.
The word blog occurs 6 times.	

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