This is a simple Python script to count the number of words in file.
The program imports counter class from Python library collections and uses counter class to count the number words in a file. This program uses various built in functions:
This program prompts the user to input a file name. The file is opened in readonly mode and using the counter class counts the words in a file.
# Python program to count the number of words in file # importing counter class from python library collections. from collections import Counter fname = str(input("Input a file name : ")) c = Counter() # Open file in read only mode with open(fname, 'r') as f: for ln in f: c.update(ln.split()) total = sum(c.values()) total += 1 print("The file", fname, "contains", total, "words.")
Input a file name : c:\myInputFile.txt The file c:\myInputFile.txt contains 28 words. >>>
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