I have a html table like below No Item Name Quantity Price 1 Abcd 12 10 2 decf 5 15 3 xyz 20 10 . . .
cssauto-numbercss3I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community edition to create a Windows IoT background application on VB.NET. When I try to debug with watch on certain variables, i see the message "To inspect the native . . .
windows-iotvs-2015vbnetI have an application developed in VB.NET 2010 and it connects to Oracle database using Oracle Data Provide for .Net. This application runs without any errors on my development PC but when I installed . . .
oracledataaccessvbnettypeinitializerodpnetI am trying to detect App environment Laravel 5.3 Inside a controller I am using if(App::environment('production')) { ...... } But I am getting this error in laravel.log local.ERROR: exception ' . . .
laravelcontrollerappenvironmentI have a Visual Studio 2015, VB.NET solution that uses a Oracle.DataAccess.dll. I get the following warning when i try to compile the project. There was a mismatch between the processor archite . . .
visual-studio-2015oraclevbnetI want to delete all tables from a schema in Oracle. What is the best/easiest way to do this. I tried this in SQL developer but i have to select each table, then right click and select drop. :( . . .
oracle-11gdrop-tabledelete-tables.Net application raises below error message when trying to insert data into an Oracle table : ORA-22062: invalid input string [40,7] at Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleDecimal..ctor(String numStr, Stri . . .
vbnetoracleora-22062insert-tableerrorHi, I have setup a PXE boot server in CentOS 7 and trying a boot client machine off it. It goes up to the stage where it says Trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/default ok then . . .
pxepxe-bootcentos-7vesamenuc32tftpI am trying to use Laravel5.3 with MongoDB. Already installed php driver and MongoDB package. Still getting error: InvalidArgumentException in ConnectionFactory.php line 237: Unsupported driv . . .
laravelmongodbphpdriverI had a simple custom share button using sharer.php <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=myurl.com" target="_blank">Share on FB</a> The new guidelines say I . . .
facebookcustom-shareshare-buttonno-sdkHow to get current IP address of the host machine (localhost) in vb.net programming? . . .
vbnetip-addresscurrent-iplocalhostI am running Windows 10, what is the location where cookies are stored for IE11 and Edge? . . .
ie11edgecookieswindows10I am trying to convert ASCII text to equivalent hexadecimal notation. Example HELLO should return 48454c4c4f. . . .
vbnetasciihexadecimalconversionHi, I have span elements inside <li>, how can i access and change the text dynamically? <ul id="listA"> <li><span></span></li> <li><span></span&g . . .