How do I search for a string inside a field in MongoDB? In SQL if i want to search name column for a string pizza SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE name LIKE '%pizza%'; What is the equivalent of . . .
mongodbsearchstringpatternlikehello, I am developing a quality app ó and performance of code which makes the analysis of other application develop in angular node and symfony it is an application which gathers bcp to sona . . .
performance-qualitycodequalit-code-sourceperformance-codesonarqubeWhat is the most efficient way to check if a string is a palindrome? . . .
javascriptstringspalindromeThere is an array of objects with a string attribute called name and a number attribute called age. arr = [ {name: "abba", age: 23}, {name: "lovely", age: 23}, {name: "vincent", age: 5}, {name: . . .
sortingjavascriptjsonError when printing a report from " at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods.StartDoc( HandleRef hDC, DOCINFO lpDocInfo)" & vbCrLf & " at System.Drawing.Printing.StandardPrintC . . .
vbneterrorprint-controllerprintI want to refresh the content of a div periodically (eg: every 5s) . . .
ajaxjqueryhtmlHow do i list all files or directories starting with 'a' or 'b' using ls? I tried ls a* and it doesn't work? . . .
linuxlsHi, I have lost the root password to my Ubunbtu machine (Release 16.04.1). Is there anyway to recover it? I have access to a non admin account only right now. . . .
ubuntupasswordrootresetforgot-passwordHow can i check the version of CentOS that is installed on a machine from command line? . . .
centosversioncommand-lineI have python3.5 installed. When I try to do apt install python3 It says python3 is already the newest version(3.5.1-3) But when I run python --version It says python is not installed, r . . .
pythonpathversionaptinstallI have a table with 3 columns, say col1, col2, col3 I want to copy all the data from col2 to col3, how can i do that? . . .
mysqlsqlMy outlook doesnt show any alert when a new mail comes. In the previous versions i used to see a mail icon near to date time area in task bar and also hear a sound. . . .
outlookofficeHow to set environment variables like PATH? How to do this from shell and how to make it available permanently? Is the command same for various distributions? . . .
linuxenvironment-variablepathOn a Windows Forms application that i am developing with C# on Visual 2017, trying to write a string variable to the output window as below. using System.Diagnostics; Debug.WriteLine(MyStringVar); . . .