how can i convert a hexadecimal string to it equialent ascii in Pascal Script. For example Hex => 48656c6c6f20576f726c64 ASCII of the above hex is => HelloWorld I also need to do the re . . .
pascalpascal-scripthextoasciihextointI am running Raspbian on Raspberry Pi 3. What is the command to check version? . . .
raspbianraspberry-piraspberry-pi-3versionI have a xml sitemap file which contains all site urls like this urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLoc . . .
xmlhtmlsitemapI have configured file history backup on my windows 10 laptop to copy files from a drive partition to an external usb HDD drive. In the Backup-options page when i click on backup now, it says ba . . .
windows-10filehistorybackupFrom the tree menu in connections window when i double click on a table a new window will open that shows the tables columns, data, constraints and so on. Now if i double click on a second table the . . .
sql-developeroracletable-viewHow do I list all globally installed packages? Also how to list packages installed locally for the project? npm list gives long list of all packages and their dependencies as well . . .
npmpackagenodejslistHow do I exit a Node.js script gracefully when a condition is met? . . .
nodejsexitterminateI have to map an array of lowercase characters a to z to numbers 1 to 26. Example: [a,c,f] to [1,3,6] I tried function(x){ return (x-96); } ) However this returns an array o . . .
javascriptcharacter-asciiascii-conversionarraymapI am trying to connect to a MySQL database from a Python script which looks like this: import mysql.connector mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host="localhost", user="root", p . . .
pythonmysqlmysqlconnectorssl-connectionWithout any additional plugins what is the easiest way to generate a sitemap for your Laravel application? Most solutions around suggest using a plugin like laravel-sitemap package by Roume . . .
laravelsitemaplaravel53How to get around foreign key constraint check while dropping tables? mysql> drop table users; ERROR 1217 (23000): Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails mysql> . . .
mysqlforeign-keyWhat is the best way to check if string is Palindrome in PHP? . . .
phppalindromestringfunctionI installed Hyper-V manager from Settings -> Turn Windows features on or off and checked box next to Hyper-V This also selected the two sub categories Hyper-v Management tools and Hype . . .
hyper-vhyper-v-managerwindows-10I have an associated array $myarray = array( "foo1" => "bar1", . . .