Windows 10 will mark the return of the beloved Start menu which was removed in Windows 8. The start menu in Windows 10 comes in a new and improved look and feel compared to its predecessors in Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Let's dig a little bit deep into this new Start menu of Windows 10
Windows 10 Start Menu
![windows 10 start menu](/images/howto/howto_4401.png)
The top left section of the start menu shows the User name and account picture of the user that is logged in, similar to the start menu of Windows XP. You can click on the user name to change account settings, sign out, switch user or lock your system.
Just below the user name you will see a list of Most used apps. You can right-click on a app here and pin it the Start (which is the tiled area to the right) or taskbar or remove from the list.
At the bottom left of the Start menu you have File Explorer to launch the Windows File explorer, and also a sub-menu which shows the frequently visited places. You can also pin you favourite locations to top of this menu.
The Power button is now back to its old position and easily accessible from the bottom left of start menu. You can either shutdown or restart with this button
The All apps option will list all the apps sorted alphabettically.
Setttings menu lets you configure various system settings.
On the right side of start menu are Tiles for Apps that are pinned to the start. This is exactly like the Windows 8 metro style live tiles that can be resized and moved around.
The start menu has been with Windows since its origin and played a vital role in users experience with the Windows operating system. A click on the start button is the first action for most of the task - whether it is to run programs, search for files, or adjust some computer settings. The removal of start button from Windows 8 left most users baffling which is the main reason for its revival in Windows 10 and let's hope it will remain there forever at the bottom left corner.