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How to make POST requests to a REST API endpoint using C#

This article demonstrates how to make a POST request to a REST API endpoint using C# and the HttpClient class.

How to make GET requests to a REST API endpoint using C#

This article demonstrates how to make a simple GET request to a REST API endpoint using C# and the HttpClient class.

Getting Started with Flutter: Your First Program

Learn the basics of app development with Flutter by creating your first program. This guide will walk you through installing the Flutter SDK and writing and running your first app

Implementing Linked List in C#

A linked list structure consists of a set of nodes. Each node contains some data and a reference to the next node. This tutorial demonstrates how to implement a linked list in C#.

Configure log4net to log to two different log files

Learn to create named loggers and configure the root logger in log4net to write logs to different log files.

Install and configure log4net in C# .NET

log4net is one of the most popular logging tools for .NET application. This tutorial demonstrates how to install and configure log4net on a C# .NET application.

C#.NET: How to store and get connection strings from config files

This post demonstrates how to store and retrieve connection strings from app.config file of a C#.Net Windows application.

C#: Using LINQ to find, filter and group objects in a collection

LINQ queries to search, filter, select, group, sort and perform other operations on a collection of custom class objects.

C#: Deleting Test Runs in Azure DevOps using REST API

This is a simple C# console application that uses REST API to delete test runs from your Azure DevOps project.

Get data from a nested JSON in PHP using Recursion and Loops

How to get data from nested JSON objects in PHP using recursion method or using simple FOR loops.