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C Articles

C program to find the sum of diagonal elements of an array

C program to find the sum of diagonal elements of an array. Calculates the sum of main diagonal or principal diagonal and secondary or antidiagonal elements

C program to find the largest and second-largest in an array

Here is a C Program to find the largest and second largest number in an array. Contains step-by-step explanation of the code.

C program to find the transpose of a matrix

Here is C program to find the transpose of a matrix. Transpose of a matrix is obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of the matrix.

C program to multiply two matrices

C programming assignment with solution: Matrix Multiplication - C program to multiply two matrices.

Binary search in C using recursion

A binary search is an algorithm to search the position of an element inside a sorted array. Here is a C program that performs binary search on an array using recursion.

C program for binary search

A binary search is an algorithm to search the position of an element inside a sorted array. Here is a C program implementation of binary search algorithm.

C program to insert an element in a singly linked list

A Linked list consists of a set of nodes and each node has some data and a pointer to next node. Here is a C program to insert an element in a linked list

C program to add, remove, print, and traverse a linked list

A Linked list consists of a set of nodes and each node has some data and a pointer to next node. Here is a C program to add, remove, count and print elements of a linked list

C program to write a string to text file

This is a simple C program to write a string to a text file

C program to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal

Here is a C program to convert a hexadecimal number to its decimal equivalent. Base-16 to Base-10 conversion.