How to install WhatsApp on WiFi only Tablets and how to use whatsapp web client to mirror your conversations on phone and pc.
A Linked list consists of a set of nodes and each node has some data and a pointer to next node. Here is a C program to insert an element in a linked list
In this article we discuss how to keep two git repositories on different hosts in sync. For example you can sync a Github repo with a repo in Bitbucket or Gitlab
Telnet lets you manage Cisco switches and routers remotely however it is not very secure. This article explains how to disable Telnet on Cisco devices
This article demonstrates how to select, subset and slice, index a Pandas DataFrame by row and column labels, by index position and using boolean conditions.
How to automatically login to a Windows 10 PC which is on workgroup or domain
PHP program to read JSON file and parse the data to a nested array using json_decode function
Python program to search a text string in all files of a specified filetype in a directory.
A simple and powerful Python script for network administrators to monitor the devices on a network by pinging every IP address on a subnet.
A simple python script to compare two text files line by line and output only the lines that are different.