HTML Basics

Formatting Tags

Posted on 30th April 2013

Bold: <b>

<b> tag will display the text in bold.

Italic: <i>

<i> tag will display the text in italic.

Strong: <strong>

<strong> tag will format the text as important.

Block Quote: <blockquote>

<blockquote> tag is used to format text as a quotation.


<b>This is bold text</b><br>
<i>This is Italic text</i><br>
<strong>This is Strong text</strong><br>
<blockquote>"Nobody can hurt me without my permission" - Mahatma Gandhi</blockquote>

Dispayed as

This is bold text
This is Italic text
This is Strong text
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission" - Mahatma Gandhi

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