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Align Divs using CSS3 Flexbox

How to align divs horzontally and vertically in CSS3 using flexbox

C program to convert Decimal to Binary

Here is a C program to convert a decimal number to binary format.

How to select random records from a database

Learn how to select random rows from a database table in MySQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server. Also learn how to retrieve random documents from a MongoDB collection.

Enable Built-in Administrator account in Windows 10

Enabling the built-in Administrator account in Windows 10 from GUI

25 Most Useful Windows 10 Commands

This is a list of 25 most useful Windows 10 commands that you can run from a command prompt or Run box to access various system settings and apps

How to connect to an Oracle database from PHP

This article shows you how to manually install and configure PHP OCI8 extension and Oracle Instant Client Libraries to connect PHP applications with Oracle.

Windows 10: Search file contents, search and index options

How to change the search options in Windows 10 to make it more powerful and adjusted to your needs.

JavaScript for Browser Detection

How to detect the browser used by a website visitor using Javascript. The script runs feature-based test instead of checking userAgent string

Configuring port security on Cisco IOS Switch

Configuring port security on Cisco IOS switch by setting violation mode, max MAC addresses, aging and static MAC addresses

Python Flask RESTful API for MySQL CRUD

In this tutorial, you will learn to build a RESTful API using Python Flask to insert, retrieve, update and delete records from a MySQL table.