Multipathing in Linux is offered by DM-Multipath. This article describes how to configure DM-Multipath
Learn how to redirect PowerShell output to a file. Comprehensive guide to using the Out-File cmdlet and redirect output to text file using redirect operators
How to connect your Windows 10 IoT core device using SSH (Secure SHell). Also contains a list of frequently used windows commands for administration.
How to configure a external NTP source on Windows 2012 PDC Emulator
This is a C program to check if a number is prime or not
Here is a simple C# console application that uses Win32 API function calls GetCursorPos and SetCursorPos to record and playback mouse movements.
How to prevent users from entering text in a combobox that does not exist in the dropdown list.
How to track clicks on external links, images, videos, ads etc. using event tracking feature of Google Universal Analytics
There are five types of configuration items (CIs)available in OTRS by default. This article shows you how to create a custom Config item class in OTRS.
Java program to print the first N Fibonacci numbers using the recurssive method. This is a popular question for Java and C programming interviews