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Setup Windows 10 IoT Insider Preview on Raspberry Pi 3

How to setup and configure Windows IoT Insider Preview Builds on Raspberry Pi 3 which is the third generation of Raspberry Pi

How to enable F8 to enter Safe Mode in Windows 8

How to enable F8 key to enter Safe Mode in Windows 8 using bcdedit command and enabling boot manager

How to access Whatsapp on Desktop PCs, Laptops and Tablets

Step by Step guide on how to access WhatsApp on Desktop, Laptops and Tablets using WhatsApp Web.

C program to convert a binary number to decimal number format

C Program to convert a binary value to its equivalent decimal format.

Magento 2.4: How to get order information using REST API

How to make REST API calls to get data from Magento for importing to third party ERP and CRM systems. Contains examples for making REST API calls using POSTMAN and CURL.

C program to convert decimal to hexadecimal

This is a C program to convert a decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent. Base-10 to Base-16 conversion.

Brocade Fabric OS 8.x cheatsheet

This Brocade Fabric OS 8.x cheatsheet gives you all the essential commands that you need to configure and manage Brocade FC switches.

A basic Python web crawler

This is a basic web crawler program written in Python that crawls a website to find any broken links

Verify Apache, PHP, MySQL versions already installed

Commands and procedures to check which version of Apache, PHP and MySQL that is running.

Configure log4net to log to two different log files

Learn to create named loggers and configure the root logger in log4net to write logs to different log files.