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Windows 10 tricks : Enable GodMode

Windows 10 trick - Enabling GodMode which gives you access to all Windows settings in one place

Some fascinating conversations with Cortana, the Windows PA

Some very interesting questions to ask Cortana

How to edit photos with RawTherapee

Photo-editing software can be used to turn bad or mediocre photos into great pictures. Here are some easy hacks to edit photos in RawTherapee

How to reverse a string in C

This is a simple C program to reverse a string without using library functions

How to install Hugo Website Generator on Windows and Linux

Hugo is a fast and flexible static site generator that can be used build static websites such as landing pages, portfolio, catalogue pages within hours.

How to rate the performance of your computer

How to rate the performance of your computer using Windows Experience Index

Java program to search an array using binary search algorithm

Explains how binary search works and a Java program to search an array using binary search algorithm.

Getting Started with CentOS 7 (Part-1)

Step-by-step instructions with screenshot on how to install CentOS 7 and to configure network, manage packages and services after minimal install.

Gracefully terminating sessions in Oracle

How to terminate user sessions in Oracle without losing data.

Sorting collections of user-defined objects in Java

How to sort collections of user defined class objects in Java using Comparable and Comparator interfaces.