How to close background apps in Windows 8 and save the resources.
This article describes how to add a local user account in Windows 10 without a Microsoft account or email id. Local user accounts can be administrator account or standard account
This article explains how to connect Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones, speakers, headphones, mouse, PS4 controllers to Windows 10 PC or Laptop.
How to clone a table, copy some or all of the data from one table to another or copy just the table structure using SQL.
How to install and configure LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL PHP) in Ubuntu 16.04
Optimize Wordpress and Woocommerce to get faster page loads by adding just a few lines of code to your theme's function.php. No plugins needed!!
Managing variable products efficiently from WooCommerce backend. The variable product type in Woocommerce can be used to list the same product in different variations.
DaVinci Resolve is a softwar that helps you edit videos quickly and easily. Here are a few tips to edit videos professionally with DaVinci Resolve.
If you have forgotten the root password on CentOS or other RHEL based Linux distributions, you can reset it easily in a few steps
Some of the popular altcoins such as Monero, ByteCoin, FantomCoin, DigitalNote, Aeon, zCash, Storj can be mined on a normal CPU with out any additional hardware.