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Sync contacts from Magento to Hubspot using REST API

Magento Hubspot integration using REST API. Here is a Python script to get customer details from Magento and create then as contacts in Hubspot using REST API.

Getting Started with Flutter: Your First Program

Learn the basics of app development with Flutter by creating your first program. This guide will walk you through installing the Flutter SDK and writing and running your first app

Python: Count number of occurrences of a word in a text file

Here is a Python program to find the number of occurrences of a specified word and the total number of words in a text file.

Robotic Process Automation Explained

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a rapidly growing technology that allows organizations to automate repetitive, routine tasks using software robots or "bots".

C program to multiply two matrices

C programming assignment with solution: Matrix Multiplication - C program to multiply two matrices.

Asynchronous programming in Python with asyncio

Learn asynchronous programming in Python with asyncio using a real world example. asyncio provides API for running and controlling the execution of Python coroutines.

Introduction to Web Services: SOAP vs REST

Web services are a powerful tool for connecting different systems and applications over a network. This article discusses two main types of web services - SOAP and REST.

C program to find the transpose of a matrix

Here is C program to find the transpose of a matrix. Transpose of a matrix is obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of the matrix.

Mastering Python Data Structures: Lists in Python

A comprehensive guide to Lists in Python with code examples to create a list and to access, modify, add, remove, loop through elements from the list.