How to setup remote desktop in Windows 8
Installing an SSL certificate and migrating your Wordpress website from HTTP to HTTPS.
C program to find the sum of diagonal elements of an array. Calculates the sum of main diagonal or principal diagonal and secondary or antidiagonal elements
Git is an open source version control system to track, share, organize and collaborate. This cheat sheet contains most commonly used git commands with some examples.
This guide gives you step by step instructions on how to switch a Microsoft Live account to a Local account in Windows 8.1
Here is a C Program to find the largest and second largest number in an array. Contains step-by-step explanation of the code.
Network Profile enables or disables features such as network discovery and file sharing. Learn how to switch network type between Public and Private in Windows 11.
How to identify that your Wordpress site is hacked? Once you know it is hacked, how do you clean/fix it?
Worried about your kids accessing your phone? The Kids Corner feature of Windows 8 lets you decide what your kids have access to.
Key difference between HTML5 and previous HTML versions. New elements and semantic roles, video and audio tags, apis and error handling