
Android Basics

by Oleg Skidan on 12th February 2018

Let's talk about the Android basics.

Android is an Operating System built primarily for touch screens and mobile devices. It is a popular platform for various devices such as:

I think it is clear from the list that this comprises of devices with which we interact daily.

First of all I would like to point out some pros and cons of the Android platform.



It is important to remember that any cons can be turned into your pros. If after these words, you are still reading, then proceed!

Android Studio

Before starting, we need an IDE for our work. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment that provides us basic tools for creating applications on our platform. All we need is Android Studio, the official IDE. Download it from an official source

You can also get the official Android documentation from Google at the same location.

Some of you probably already know that applications on Android can be written on Eclipse, Adobe Phonegap, Xamarin and so on. Let's summarize these here.


Officially, Google no longer supports the creation of android applications on Eclipse


Adobe Phonegap

- You can create Android applications in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This is beyond the scope of our tutorial. We are limiting our tutorial to building with Java (the official language for the platform)

Adobe Phonegap


IDE for creating mobile applications on different mobile platforms, but using the .NET platform.


Therefore, it is completely concrete - we will work on Android Studio using Java.

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