How to identify that your Wordpress site is hacked? Once you know it is hacked, how do you clean/fix it?
This tutorial shows you how to find and drop duplicate rows in a Pandas dataframe. Explains duplicated and drop_duplicates function with examples.
Git is an open source version control system to track, share, organize and collaborate. This cheat sheet contains most commonly used git commands with some examples.
Learn how to select random rows from a database table in MySQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server. Also learn how to retrieve random documents from a MongoDB collection.
FTP server enables the transfer of file between computers. This article describes how to install and configure a FTP server on a Windows 10 machine.
This article describes how to add a local user account in Windows 10 without a Microsoft account or email id. Local user accounts can be administrator account or standard account
Developers can create scripts/programs using Python and Jira REST API to access resources such as projects, issues, comments, users etc., from Jira Cloud and Server Platforms.
This article describes how to restrict management access on Juniper SRX device to specific network addresses by setting up a firewall filter
This article demonstrates how to read data from a JSON string or file and similarly how to write data in JSON format using json module in Python.
Understand various CSV dialects in Python for reading and writing CSV files using the CSV module, discover options for managing and customizing dialects