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C program to convert a binary number to decimal number format

C Program to convert a binary value to its equivalent decimal format.

Whats new in HTML5

Key difference between HTML5 and previous HTML versions. New elements and semantic roles, video and audio tags, apis and error handling

VB.Net : Prevent user entering text not in a combobox list

How to prevent users from entering text in a combobox that does not exist in the dropdown list.

Python String Search and Replace

Python string operations using builtin string methods find() and replace(). Contains examples for string search and replace.

Using BackgroundWorker in VB.Net to update a datagrid

The following VB sample code demonstrates how to use the BackgroundWorker to import the contents of a CSV file to a data grid in VB.

A basic Python web crawler

This is a basic web crawler program written in Python that crawls a website to find any broken links

Some fascinating conversations with Cortana, the Windows PA

Some very interesting questions to ask Cortana

Enable Built-in Administrator account in Windows 10

Enabling the built-in Administrator account in Windows 10 from GUI

Python Web scrapping - Step-by-Step guide and Example script

Web scraping with Python - Step-by-step guide on creating your first Python script to scrape a website.

Windows 10: Search file contents, search and index options

How to change the search options in Windows 10 to make it more powerful and adjusted to your needs.