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Set PATH and other environment variables in Windows 10

How to set PATH variable and other SYSTEM and USER environment variables in Windows 10 from Advanced System Settings and also from Command line,

Install Laravel on Windows (WAMP) Server

Quick and easy guide to install and configure Laravel on Windows running Apache, MySQL, PHP (WAMP). Laravel is a free and opensource PHP framework

WiFi setup on Raspberry Pi 3 running Windows 10 IoT Core

How to configure WiFi access on your Windows 10 IoT Core device from Device Portal, PowerShell, SSH or from the Default App Settings.

Configure and manage Windows 10 IoT Core device using SSH

How to connect your Windows 10 IoT core device using SSH (Secure SHell). Also contains a list of frequently used windows commands for administration.

Enabling Remote Desktop on a Windows 10 IoT Core Device

Enabling Windows IoT Remote Server to remotely view the UI of a Windows 10 IoT device from another computer running Windows 10

Change the default browser and other apps in Windows 10

How to change the default web browser, music and video player, photo viewer and other default apps in Windows 10.

Windows IoT Core remote administration using PowerShell

This article explains how to remotely connect and run PowerShell cmdlets to manage a device running Windows IoT Core

Setup Windows 10 IoT Insider Preview on Raspberry Pi 3

How to setup and configure Windows IoT Insider Preview Builds on Raspberry Pi 3 which is the third generation of Raspberry Pi

Installing Windows 10 IoT on Raspberry Pi 3

How to install Windows IoT core on Raspberry Pi 3. Windows IoT Core is a small foot-print version of Windows 10 that runs on Raspberry Pi Model 2, 3

Enable F8 Safe Mode boot menu in Window 10

Using bcdedit tool to enable F8 key for accessing safe mode and advanced startup settings from boot menu