This web app created with Node.js and Express framework demonstrates how to parse a JSON POST and insert the data in to a MySQL database table.
Excel 2016 Tip: How to format a row or column based on a cell value
Excel 2016 Tip: Delete all cell contents in a excel worksheet without deleting any formulas.
Configure Internet time server on a stand-alone Windows 10 PC and modify the default time synchronization interval.
Windows 10 trick - Enabling GodMode which gives you access to all Windows settings in one place
How to change Input Language and Keyboard layout in Windows 10
MongoDB Cheat Sheat - A quick reference of Mongo shell commands and usage example needed to perform most of the common tasks in MongoDB.
In this tutorial we create the blinky app in VB.NET that run as background service in Raspberry Pi 2 or 3, MinnowBoard Max or DragonBoard
How to install Laravel in a subfolder inside your DocumentRoot and remove the word public from the URL
Step-by-step instructions on how to install and configure Laravel Package jenssegers Laravel Mongodb. Access a MongoDB database from PHP Laravel