Here are the top Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts everyone should know. Includes shortcuts to open various apps and settings, manipulating files, managing windows, etc.
This article shows you how to manually install and configure PHP OCI8 extension and Oracle Instant Client Libraries to connect PHP applications with Oracle.
A Linked list consists of a set of nodes and each node has some data and a pointer to next node. Here is a C program to insert an element in a linked list
Oracle VM VirtualBox provides various networking modes such as NAT, Bridged, Host only etc., to connect your GuestVM to Host machine, other VMs and the internet.
Step-by-step instructions to migrate a Wordpress website from one host to another or from a sub-domain while changing the domain name or site url.
A Linked list consists of a set of nodes and each node has some data and a pointer to next node. Here is a C program to add, remove, count and print elements of a linked list
Step-by-step instructions to migrate a Wordpress website from one host to another while keeping the same domain name.
This Oracle DBA cheat sheet is an essential guide for Oracle Database Administrators to perform day-to-day administration tasks
This article explains how to create, configure and delete Oracle databases using the graphical tool Database configuration Assistant (DBCA)
New updated Ubuntu cheatsheet for systemd based versions