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WINDOWS Articles

How to send PowerShell output to a text file

Learn how to redirect PowerShell output to a file. Comprehensive guide to using the Out-File cmdlet and redirect output to text file using redirect operators

Configuring external NTP on Windows 2012 Domain Controller

How to configure a external NTP source on Windows 2012 PDC Emulator

Change Input Language and Keyboard layout in Windows 10

How to change Input Language and Keyboard layout in Windows 10

PowerShell - Get modified time of a file on an FTP server

PowerShell script demonstrates how to retrieve the last modified date-time of a given file on a remote FTP server using the FTPWebRequest class of System.Net

How to backup and restore a System Image in Windows 10

In this article we show you how to create a system image backup in Windows 10 and how to restore you system from a system image backup.

How to enable F8 to enter Safe Mode in Windows 8

How to enable F8 key to enter Safe Mode in Windows 8 using bcdedit command and enabling boot manager

How to setup a FTP server on Windows 10

FTP server enables the transfer of file between computers. This article describes how to install and configure a FTP server on a Windows 10 machine.

Managing wireless networks in Windows 10

Managing WiFi networks in Windows 10 - Connect, disconnect, remove WiFi networks or set preferred network. With Wifi sense you can also share networks

A closer look at the Windows 10 Start menu

The start menu is back in Windows 10 in a new and improved look. This article takes a closer look at this new Start menu of Windows 10

How to go to Safe Mode in Windows 8

How to go to safemode in Windows 8 and access advanced startup settings.